Flash Fiction February — 2023 Day One

Anna Pilla
3 min readFeb 1, 2023

Prompt: Return of Spirit

Kora fidgeted with the ring in her hand, its smooth obsidian surface catching the ambient light of her room. The ring seemed to swallow the light, refusing to let it go. Though she turned it over and over in her hand, she didn’t dare brush her fingers across the small sigil Bea had placed on it, the one that would play her message to Skye.

Skye’s last words to her replayed in her head like a stuck record. “It’s not a no, Kora… Just… ask me again after you’ve finished this war.”

Had she been selfish in asking Skye? Was it too soon? Thoughts tumbled around Kora’s mind like a hurricane. She couldn’t pretend that the semi-rejection didn’t hurt. Especially because they hadn’t spoken since. Kora was used to that from other people; the awkwardness, the silence… just never from Skye.

Winona was sat on the bed next to her, a comforting arm around Kora’s shoulders. “Oh, hon, I’m so sorry.” She sounded genuinely sad. It was one thing Kora loved about Winona, even when they had their disagreements; her heart was full of empathy for others, no matter who they were.

Kora drew her legs up to her chest, her eyes misting a bit as she buried her face into her knees. The ring was clenched tightly in her hand, its obsidian edges digging into her palm. She wanted to throw it across the room and never see it again. But she couldn’t risk breaking it, not when Bea had worked so hard to make it for her in the first place.

“She ran away from me,” she mumbled into her knees, tears threatening to spill over.

Winona gave her a squeeze. “I know, darlin’. But, at least she didn’t say no?”

Winona’s words didn’t comfort her. Skye might as well have just told her no. She’d have preferred it, actually. If Skye had just thrown the ring back in her face, told her how stupid she was for proposing to her. That would’ve been better than this horrible limbo she found herself stuck in.

A limbo she’d be trapped in as they marched off to war.

Kora had only done it because, in truth, she was afraid. She was afraid of the Lord of Blades. Of the Warforged. Of dying without telling Skye how much she loved her. So she’d asked Bea to make the ring, had given her the obsidian shards she’d found on her first trek into the Mournlands to make it with. Had recorded a silly message about how much she loved Skye… And then Skye had said “not now.”

And ran away afterwards.

On some level, she understood. Skye was never one to be tied down to anyone or anything. Kora felt stupid for thinkin she’d be any different. Skye had been that way since they were children, living on the streets of Sharn. Kora had just thought that, after the night they shared in the rafters of the Stargazer’s Theater… that she’d be the exception.

Winona broke the silence. “I think…” she hesitated for a moment, but seemed to steel herself. “I think Skye is just afraid, Kora.”

“Afraid of what?” Kora’s voice was hoarse.

Winona gave her another comforting squeeze. “Well… I think she’s just afraid of how she feels for you, hon. It can be a lot, I think… ‘specially if she’s never felt that way about anyone before.”

Kora sniffled, pulling her face up so she could wipe at her eyes. When she’d wiped the tears away, she cast a glance at Winona. “You think?”

She gave Kora her usually bright-eyed smile. “Of course I do! You’ll see, after we win this war, everything will be just right. I promise. She does love you, I know it.”

Kora nodded, feeling the weight on her shoulders — while not entirely lifted — lighten. She’s do it for Skye, she realized. She’d go to war. She’d fight the Lord of Blades. She could only hope she’d make it out relatively unscathed. “Right. Win a war. How hard could that be?”



Anna Pilla

Hi there! I'm Anna, and I love writing about fantasy, TTRPGs, and mild horror!